espaΨηφιακός Μετασχηματισμός ΜΜΕ

for Immigrants

Insurance for foreigners and immigrants for the purpose of residence permit

Immigrants and foreigners coming to Greece from third countries, outside the EU, according to law (Law 4251 as of 2014) must hold comprehensive sickness insurance, which will provide cover for all risks. If you are not self-employed or do not work, i.e., you do not have public insurance, you must obtain a private insurance policy that covers the provisions of the Law for the issuance of your residence permit or its renewal. The same goes for your protected family members.
In particular, the insurance policy for immigrants - foreigners must include, as defined by JMD 53821/2014:
  • Permanent disability (partial or total) from an accident. The amount of the covered benefits should amount to at least 15,000 euros per year with a maximum of 20% participation of the insured.
  • Medical expenses due to illness or accident. The amount of the covered benefits should amount to at least 1,500 euros per year with a maximum of 20% participation of the insured.
  • Hospital care. The amount of the covered benefits should amount to at least 10,000 euros per year with a maximum of 20% participation of the insured.
What is the policy duration?

Insurance policies should cover a period of one year. If the duration of the residence permit exceeds the period of validity of the contract, this will be mandatory per year.

Contact ANAX to get in touch with a specialized consultant, who will guide you to the right choice.

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Copyright by ANAX. All rights reserved.