espaΨηφιακός Μετασχηματισμός ΜΜΕ

& ransom

Specialized insurance contract for abduction and ransom extortion.

who lead businesses or government agencies and who are well-known or popular with the public. The possibility of facing such a case is undoubtedly frightening. Thankfully, there are insurance products that can ensure the solution to the two most important issues that arise in these cases, where no time can be wasted. Firstly, you will not need to worry about ransom payment and secondly you will have access to specialized and world-renowned crisis management consultants who are able to make a decisive contribution to dealing with the incident.

The Abduction, Ransom & Extortion insurance coverage program is aimed at both individuals and legal entities.

Individuals: In the case of an individual, his family members are also defined as insured.

Legal Entities: In this case, the members of the Board of Directors, the Executives as well as the employees of the Company can be insured.
Cases, where such an insurance can provide cover:
Abduction with the purpose of demanding ransom
Threat and Blackmail
Threats and blackmail to cause bodily harm / abduction, material damage to the property of the insured, disclosure of business secrets, contamination / adulteration of products to obtain money from the insured
Illegal detention
Arbitrary, unintentional detention / restriction of the insured by the Government Authority
Piracy in a means of transport
Illegal detention of the insured under duress, while traveling by any air, motor or sea means
What is covered:
Ransom payment
Loss of money during their transfer
Death or disability
Loss of income from work stoppage
Medical expenses, rehabilitation expenses (ticket and accommodation expenses for leisure travel after the incident)
Other costs under the contract

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Copyright by ANAX. All rights reserved.