espaΨηφιακός Μετασχηματισμός ΜΜΕ


Have the choice at the critical moment

Health insurance is a safety valve that every modern person should have. We often hear stories or in some cases have experiences that demonstrate that what we know and take as granted in our lives can change unexpectedly, and that is because human nature is vulnerable.

With the deficiencies recorded in the national health system, the most important thing when we are called to face a problem, is to have a choice. To have the choice to fight for what happens to us and decide how to deal with it, without waiting in long lines and with the quality of care required.

Health insurance covers both outpatient needs and hospitalizations. Health insurance policies today are quite flexible and affordable. They are individualized meeting the exact needs of each person.

Many people’s lives have been saved thanks to the immediate access to a private hospital and treatment that an insurance policy provides.

Think how important it is to have a private ambulance to take you to the hospital in case you are terminally ill or if you are in a car accident. It is important to have the right means to combat any unforeseen situation in your life and it is cases like this that health insurance will help you with.
When everyone is going to ask you for money, the only one that will give to you, is your insurance company
Every insurance policy is different, but generally the following are covered:
Health examinations on an annual basis
Visits to Doctors
Visits to the emergency room of private hospitals
Hospitalization in private hospitals. The insurance policies available cover annual hospitalizations of 40,000€ up to 500,000€.
Surgeon and Anesthesiologist fees
Medical Expenses
Ambulance or helicopter transfer of patients

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Copyright by ANAX. All rights reserved.