espaΨηφιακός Μετασχηματισμός ΜΜΕ


The modern consumer is well informed and claims his rights regarding the products and services he buys. A defective product can cause damages or harm that can lead to defamation or to huge compensations.

Amongst the issues a business may need to deal with are design defect, incorrect or incomplete instructions or even product alteration.

Every industry is different and the specifics of every product and business require special attention in obtaining the insurance policy. At ANAX we are by your side to create the optimal insurance plan that will provide the correct cover to ensure the continuous operation of your business should such a risk present itself.

It often happens that products are recalled, and companies are forced to pay very large amounts of compensation. Many cases from the pharmaceutical and food industries are often reported by media.

Product liability insurance plans give you access to legal advice and cover your legal costs if third parties claim compensation for damage, property damage or death from your business product or service.

Contact us now and we’ll make a special report on the risks you may face, and we will recommend the best liability policy for you.

Copyright by ANAX. All rights reserved.

Copyright by ANAX. All rights reserved.