espaΨηφιακός Μετασχηματισμός ΜΜΕ


The installation of solar panels is an investment that must be secured. Whether solar panels are installed at a business/ public organization or at a home there is always the risk of a problem arising during the installation or operation of the panels. Therefore, Solar Panel risk insurance is important, indemnifying the insured in case of damage to the solar panels.

There are innovative solutions in the insurance market that come to cover the installation, assembly, maintenance, and operation of solar panels that require the experience of an insurance intermediary so that you are properly insured, knowing what deductibles and what exclusions exist in each program.
What is covered:
Material damage during the assembly or installation phase of the solar panels due to unforeseen events - such as aircraft crash, smoke, snow / hail / frost, earthquake, short circuit, flood, storm, explosion, lightning, fire, strikes, strikes, terrorism etc.
Damage due to design errors
Assembly errors
Civil liability to third parties
Employer liability in case of an employee accident
Material loss or damage to the unit that is already operating due to aircraft crash, smoke, snow / hail / frost, earthquake, short circuit, flood, storm, explosion, lightning, fire, strikes, terrorist acts, malicious acts, theft, etc.
Loss of Revenue

Each type of solar panel installation has features that you must consider before signing your insurance policy. Invest in green energy with security and insurance and the experience of a specialized insurance intermediary of ANAX, to ensure that your investment will pay off.

Copyright by ANAX. All rights reserved.

Copyright by ANAX. All rights reserved.