espaΨηφιακός Μετασχηματισμός ΜΜΕ


A wrong moment, a wrong decision, or an omission while at work can hurt third parties and cause you great damages and years of litigation. Demanding professions such as doctors, accountants, lawyers, advertisers etc. have an increased chance of facing such claims.
Insurance is a priority not an alternative

It is estimated that the average compensation for medical errors of obstetricians exceeds 600,000 euros, for neurosurgeons 450,000 euros and for plastic surgeons 170,000 euros. Imagine taking responsibility for a public project in which the wrong action of one of your employees leads to material damage, project delay or even loss of human life.

In practice, managing such situations is extremely difficult and requires people with specialized knowledge. This is exactly what Professional Liability insurance policies do, they provide a safety net to the insured for the liability he bears from acts or omissions related to the nature of his work. In a more general context, these products cover the compensations that arise for the professionals as well as their legal representation. This cover varies between different professions.

Indicatively in the following professions there are usually coverages for:
Causing bodily harm or loss of life to patients during their professional activity
Claims for material damage, damage, or financial loss to third parties arising from the design of a project or supervision and so on.
omissions or errors in the provision of accounting-tax services
omissions in legal proceedings, errors, statute of limitations, commercial law, etc.

These products are very specialized. Therefore, the advice of a professional insurance consultant is essential in these cases, so he can inform you on your options, explain the terms and be by your side when you need him.

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